Thursday, 1 March 2012

Playing hooky

Whooops, that was a longer break than I thought it would be! I've been very busy over the last few weeks and we have all been poorly in this house. Little F has had a chest infection but he's much better now and is bouncing like crazy in his bouncer as I type this :)

Whilst I have been "playing hooky" from here I have also been playing hooky with my crochet hooks and have been building up a stock of goodies for a craft fair I am hoping to be doing in a couple of months time. Do you want to see some of the pretties I have been hooking up?

These are some of the flowers I have been making. I have embellished some of them with beads and they are all in the process of being turned into corsages :) I love corsages, I always have them on my coats and jackets and what's better than being able to wear handmade ones that are totally unique? :)

I've also been making some little heart corsages and felt ones too but haven't had chance to photograph them yet as the battery in my phone (which I use to take pictures because I'm too lazy to find the lead for the digital camera....) had packed up and I'm waiting on a new one being delivered.

A forum I am a member of recently had a thread about unfinished projects and it got me thinking about the shameful pile of WIPs I have lurking in our spare room. I am going to list them here to shame me into completing them as some of them have taken so long it is ridiculous, so here goes....

  1. Blanket for Little F - all squares are completed. Just need to weave in ends (I loathe doing this) and join as I go to join the rest of the squares together.
  2. Crochet cushion for front room - this is almost done. Just run out of the yarn I need to finish off the final square BUT I have some hexagons I was messing about making that I did in this yarn so I will frog them and use it to finish my cushion. Just need to find the hexagons...
  3. Newton's Law cross stitch - just the back stitching to do.
  4. Another Newton's Law cross stitch - needs framing.
  5. Kitchen Orchard cross stitch - this has been in progress for an embarrassingly long period of time. I MUST finish this!
  6. Cat cross stitch - about halfway complete...
There are also lots of other projects and ideas buzzing round my head but just not enough time to do everything!!! I think I need to clone myself!