(Photo courtesy of Cherry Heart)
As I have mentioned, we moved house shortly before Christmas to a lovely village in Shropshire. Things were a bit manic after we first moved as it was Christmas, then New Year and then we were away for a few days. However for the last couple of weeks I have been unpacking everything and attempting to turn this house into a home for my little family :)
I was reading Sandra's blog at Cherry Heart and saw that she has invited bloggers to be part of a year long challenge to create a Pretty Crafty Home. Sandra explains more about it in this post but in a nutshell the idea of the challenge is to use our crafty and thrifty talents to make our homes gorgeous and wonderful :) I think it sounds like a fantastic idea and is just the thing to help me get everything sorted here :)
Sandra has listed 5 goals on her website to give bloggers an idea of the sort of things that can be done with this challenge, so here is my take on what these goals mean to me:
1. Tidy, tidy, tidy and clean, clean, clean!
Well this house is pretty clean and tidy at the moment as everything is in boxes! HOWEVER, what I would like to do this year is get in place some good routines to keep on top of the housework and daily jobs, especially with having a little baby at home. One thing that jumps to mind is paperwork....I need to get a nice place to store this instead of having piles of papers on the hallway bookcase...
2. If it has to live here, it should be pretty.
Some things are boring but necessary, like toilet brushes! I'm going to be on the lookout for functional but pretty items to (slowly) replace the boring (ugly) things that we have to have!
3. If I don't like how it looks, and I can change it, I will.
Much of our furniture is old and thrifted and as I'm on maternity leave we are not in a position to replace any of it in the near future. What I can do is to give these items a makeover to pretty them up a bit. For example, we have a lovely Welsh Dresser in the dining room but it is looking a little shabby (and not in a shabby chic sort of way!) so I plan to paint it and replace the (ugly, dented) brass handles with ceramic ones. A new piece of furniture for the cost of a pot of paint :)
4. Thrift, re-use and recycling are my watch words.
Definitely! Pennies are a little tight at the moment so I will be looking to do all this on a budget :)
As I'm now a SAHM I am also responsible for the running of the house and most of the cooking. I am NOT a natural domestic goddess but this is something I want to change. In this house we have often relied on "ding" meals and takeaways and this is now going to S.T.O.P! As far as possible I want all our meals to be home cooked and I will be on the lookout for thrifty recipes and aiming to reduce our food bill.
I do love a good mooch round the charity shops and am lucky because there are quite a few good ones near where we live. I also love car boots and can't wait for the better weather so we can get out there to find some treasure :)
5. Crafting is king!
This is a no-brainer for me... I love crafting and I love seeing things that I've made around my home :) This year I plan to make even more crafty goodies so watch this space!
If you think this sounds like fun then head over to Cherry Heart and join in!
Thanks so much for the shout out and for joining my little project! I've added your link to my site and I've come to wish you good luck!
S x
Hi Thank for visting my blog and your lovely comments.
There is something really rewarding I think prettying up a bit of furniture or making something for you home to use. Good luck with the unpacking!
Thank you! I'm looking forward to getting started and seeing what everyone else is doing :)
Gem x
I think I need it! Every time I go upstairs I feel overwhelmed when I see how many boxes we still have to unpack :( Must make myself do at least one box a day!
GEm x
Hi! Popped over for a mooch around as I've also joined PCH! Still at the thinking stage of what I need to do - the small people to make lots of mess & interruptions sometimes! Looking forward to seeing your revamped dresser & other treasures x
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